Mango Communications
802.11 MAC/PHY Design
Fully programmable 802.11 MAC/PHY stack for Xilinx FPGAs
關於 802.11 MAC / PHY Design
Fully programmable 802.11 MAC/PHY stack for Xilinx FPGAs
The Mango Communications 802.11 MAC/PHY stack implements a high-performance, real-time 802.11 MAC and PHY in Xilinx FPGAs. The design interoperates with standard Wi-Fi devices. Our MAC and PHY implementations are perfect starting points for prototyping extensions to the 802.11 standard, researching custom wireless waveforms, and evaluating custom MAC protocols in real time.
產品組合 Products


FPGA Design

MAC Software
硬體平台 Hardware Platforms
Our 802.11 MAC/PHY Design is built in Xilinx Vivado and can be used in any Xilinx device supported by Vivado. We provide reference implementations on two hardware platforms:
- National Instruments USRP E320
- Analog Devices ADRV9361
銷售方案 License Options
802.11 MAC/PHY 設計適合各種應用,可配合客戶產生不同的需求方案。方案種類、版權類別與價格將依照下列項目決定:
License Types

- Use and extend source code
- Embed compiled design in products

- Use and extend source code
- Licensed to single site
- Use for non-profit teaching and research
- No re-distribution

- Tailor license terms for a specific application
- Discuss your requirements
License Tiers

- SDK workspace with full MAC C source code
- Use on supported reference hardware

- Includes MAC Software source
- Vivado project with IPI design
- Includes source for utility IP cores
- PHY IP cores delivered as netlists
- Target reference or custom hardware

- Includes MAC Software and FPGA Design sources
- Adds source models for PHY IP cores
- Customize and extend Tx/Rx PHY designs
