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DPS3340 Discovery USB|三通道電源供應器

Digilent's Discovery USB Programmable Power Supply (DPS3340) is a three channel variable DC programmable power supply that allows users to control the power provided to their external circuits. Providing both constant voltage and constant current modes with built in readback sensors and optional tracking for the output channels, you can confidently power your circuits according to your requirements.


  • Three programmable power supplies
    • 1 V to 5 V (10 mA to 3 A)
    • 1 V to 15 V (10 mA to 500 mA)
    • -1 V to -15 V (-10 mA to 500 mA)


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60W PCIe 12V 5A Power Supply

這款 12V 5A AC/DC 適配器是為您的 Digilent NetFPGA-1G-CML 板供電的完美解決方案。

通過 PCIe 輸出連接器,您可以將此電源與其他使用 PCIe 電源連接器的設備一起使用。

注意:不推薦用於 NetFPGA-SUME。不適用於 Xilinx 開發板。


  產品編號:300-036:None/240-117:IEC Cable, US.



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5V 4A Switching Power Supply

這款 5VDC 開關電源非常適合微控制器、FPGA 以及測試和測量設備供電。


  產品編號: 240-030

  線上商店: 購買連結 可線上刷卡/享運費補助!


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12V, 3A Power Supply

該電源適用於為我們的新 PYNQ-Z1、Nexys Video、Genesys 2 和 Arty 板供電。包括美國和歐盟插頭適配器。 



  線上商店: 購買連結 可線上刷卡/享運費補助!


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